Monday, April 12, 2010

Always remember, never forget.

I don't know if one could say they've "felt" a minute's silence, but just seconds ago, I'd say that I did. Today is Yom Hashoa, the day of remembrance to commemorate the Holocaust and remember those who perished. 

Israelis recognise that their country may not have come into existence had it not been for the Holocaust. The desecration, and attempted annihilation, of the Jewish people certainly expedited the creation of the State of Israel - no one can deny that - and it is not a coincidence that Yom Hashoa, Yom Hazikaron (Day of Remembrance) and Yom Ha'atzmaut (Independence Day) all occur within the same week of each other.

At 10am a siren commenced, I walked to the window of my apartment and stood still. From there I could see that even in my small street, Israel had come to a standstill. Men and women who had been sitting on benches a minute earlier were now on their feet, cars had stopped in the middle of the street with their drivers standing next to their vehicles, engines still running. It was an incredible thing to see and I definitely felt that minute.

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